Welcome to Power Neighbourhood House!
We are located at 54 Power Ave, Ashwood.
Power Neighbourhood House is a community-managed Charity, looking to create community connections, advance mental health outcomes and prevent social isolation of people living and working in the broader Ashwood area
Please feel free to come by during office hours for a chat with our friendly staff. The Centre is open to everyone in the community and provides a range of opportunities to learn, share skills and interests and connect. Drop in and enjoy being part of your local Neighbourhood House.
Powers Office Hours (except school holidays and public holidays): Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 9.30am – 3.00pm; Friday: 9.30am – 2.00pm
Our Team
Ru Jia
Community Development
Contact Us
Opening Hours
54 Power Avenue, Ashwood, VIC 3147
Phone: (03) 8849 9707
Mon - Fri
9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Email: Office@powernh.org.au
CLOSED Thursday, Saturday and Sunday